Terms and Conditions

Speak with one of our Commercial Contract lawyers today, to find out how we can support your business with bespoke Terms and Conditions.

What are Terms and Conditions and what do they do?

Terms and Conditions are legal documents which govern the relationships you have with your customers and can be equally important for B2B and B2C businesses. They are an operation in risk management and are one of the ways through which your business can control risk by, for example, making it easier to resolve disputes, whilst also moving your business forward.

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    What do Terms and Conditions do?

    Having a written contract which governs your relationship with customers, can immeasurably help your business. Terms and Conditions offer certainty on the extent of your liability, they govern terms on delivery of Goods, stipulate conditions around payment/non-payment of Goods and Services. Properly-drafted Terms are therefore of vital importance to existing and growing businesses.

    What are the types of Terms and Conditions?

    Dependent on the nature and clientele of your business, there are 3 types of Terms and Conditions that your business could benefit from implementing:

    1. B2B (Business-to-business) Terms and Conditions
      1. B2C (Business-to-consumer) Terms and Conditions
      1. Hybrid Terms and Conditions for businesses and consumers.

    Given the strong consumer laws in the United Kingdom, there are safeguards you must be aware of when preparing Consumer Terms and Conditions. It is therefore important that Terms and Conditions are correctly prepared. Many businesses supply either solely Goods or Services, however for companies which supply both Goods and Services, careful attention will need to be paid to making your business’s Terms and Conditions comprehensive.

    Why do you need strong Terms and Conditions?

    To reinforce strong streamlined operational processes, it is important for your Terms and Conditions to be comprehensive. What are your payment terms and are these clearly expressed in your Terms and Conditions? Importantly, how is your business handling potential liability – how much liability is your business exposed to if things go wrong with the supply of your Goods/Services. These are important areas to address correctly in your Terms and Conditions.

    Do you need different Terms and Conditions for Goods and Services?

    While it can be good practice to separate out your Terms and Conditions if your business supplies both Goods and Services, you could equally include them both in one document.

    If your business supplies solely Goods, it is important that you have specific Terms and Conditions relating to the sale of Goods. This is one of the dangers of generic Terms and Conditions, in that they may neither protect your business as you expect, nor mitigate risk as much as you would like.

    Likewise, if your business supplies solely Services, then it is important that your Terms and Conditions are exclusively tailored to your business offering.

    What is the Process to get started? (Maybe use a diagram instead of wording)

    Dependent on timescales, preparing Terms and Conditions can take up to 2-3 weeks as follows:

    1. We’ll ask you to sign and return our Client Care Letter and to place monies on account.
      1. Depending on your availability, we’ll schedule a call within 7 working days, to take your instructions and learn about your business.
      1. We’ll aim to provide you with a first draft 7 workings days after taking your instructions.
      1. Once we receive your feedback, we’ll send you a final version of your Terms and Conditions, ready for your business to implement.

    How much does Pacific Law charge?

    To receive a fixed price for your enquiry, please call us. We have included some helpful guidance on our prices below:

    1. To create Terms and Conditions from scratch, our prices begin from £500.00
    2. To review existing Terms and Conditions, our prices begin from £200.00.
    3. To negotiate Terms and Conditions, our prices begin from £500.00.

    Why do you need a lawyer?

    Many businesses may prefer to prepare their own Terms & Conditions, or copy another competitor’s! The danger with this approach would be generic Terms and Conditions not getting the job done. It may take you a long time to find out, but if you do, it could set your business back. Terms and Conditions are an intricate legal document, because they weave together different strands of law. Incorrectly drafted Terms & Conditions can also be detrimental for your business reputation.

    How do I get started?

    Speak with one of our Commercial Contract lawyers on 0800 066 2219 or, alternatively, leave your contact details on this page and one of our Commercial lawyers shall be in touch.


    • Review an existing Agency Agreement
    • Provide a legal opinion and summary of key clauses
    • No amendments


    • Review an existing Franchise Agreement
    • Make amendments to the document
    • Correspond with the other party’s solicitors


    • Create a new Franchise Agreement
    • We’ll prepare a first draft for you to review and provide feedback
    • We’ll incorporate any amendments and provide you with a second and final version.